How do we provide green hosting?
We start by working out how much energy is consumed by our hosting operations. This includes:
- all of our web and email servers
- data centre infrastructure and cooling
For each kilowatt hour of electricity consumed, we purchase the same amount of renewable energy — generated from renewable sources such as wind and low-impact hydro — and this energy is injected onto the grid on our behalf. The power is generated by facilities certified by ECOLOGO®.
In an ideal world, we would use this renewable energy directly to power our servers. Unfortunately, we can’t direct the power to a certain building. We are doing what we can to ensure that power going onto the grid on our behalf is coming from clean, green sources. We pay the premium for the renewable energy and someone on the grid will use it (at regular rates). The net effect is as if we had used it ourselves. This is all possible through a fellow founding Canadian B-Corp member called Bullfrog Power, Canada’s leading green energy provider.
We are proud to take this initiative to help support the growing green power market.